In deze podcast interviewt Serge Prengel Yvonne Agazarian over systeemgericht denken.
“Phases of system development. If one knows what phase the system is in, one doesn’t give the system things that it can’t do… What you require, what you’re putting at the group to solve—the goals of the group—if you adjust those to what the group could do, there really is not much of a failure experience.”
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Dit stuk, direct aan het begin was nieuw voor me.
“It was started as a theory driven system. So I developed a theory and then something happened in the world—managed care came in. And when managed care came in it was obvious that there was going to be a finite amount of time allocated for patients. And my knowledge is that there’s really no way of telling how long a patient is going to need in order to reach the goals. And managed care was clearly going to interfere with that. So I thought that, then, there needed to be a way of developing some kind of system of practice, which enabled people to start, stop and then start again, with the same kind of therapy—not having to change styles of therapy, not having to change therapists. And if they did have to change therapists, it would be less difficult because the way the therapist worked would be similar.”
Over Yvonne Agazarian
Yvonne M. Agazarian ontwikkelde de theorie van menselijke levende systemen en de systeemgerichte praktijk ervan: SCT®. SCT is de afkorting van Systems-Centered® Training, een methode voor groepsontwikkeling.
Over Serge Prengel
Serge Prengel, LMHC, is de host van de Active Pause podcast
Serge Prengel is in private practice. He is a graduate of France’s Sorbonne University and HEC Business School. He was trained in Focusing, Core Energetics, and Somatic Experiencing. His work also draws from Systems-Centered theory.
Bronnen: Active Pause
Systems-centered® Training Research Institute
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